Leading Indicators

Since 2019 the Economy League has produced a regular data brief designed to deepen understanding of key regional trends.  LI provides  digestible, accessible analysis of data on timely topics such as regional economic trends, local labor and housing markets, and the business ecosystem.  

highlighted blue orange red graph of Philadelphia

The Latest Leading Indicators

As illustrated by our Driving Tech Talent Growth in PHL report , its 2019 update , and our annual monitoring of the regional tech workforce , the...
In this Leading Indicator , we use our Similarity Index to highlight and compare the quantitative similarities between Philadelphia and New Orleans...
As Women’s History Month comes to close, we update our previous analyses of income inequality in Philadelphia—using the most recent estimates from the...
This Leading Indicator is the third part in our series on understanding changes in Philadelphia’s labor market since the COVID-19 pandemic by...
In our first brief of this series , we examined gains and losses in residential population across Philadelphia’s neighborhoods between 2016 and 2021...
This Leading Indicator is the second part in our series on understanding changes in Philadelphia’s labor market since the COVID-19 pandemic by looking...
With the recent release of the five-year estimates of the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2021 American Community Survey (ACS) , we can now examine recent...
In this Leading Indicator we dig into the new resident population of Philadelphia since 2018 to better understand changes in the region’s labor market...
In our last Leading Indicator of 2022, we reflect on our work this past year and review lessons learned. We also want to hear from you, our readers...
This Leading Indicator introduces a research endeavor at the Economy League of Greater Philadelphia to analyze peer cities of Philadelphia across...
This Leading Indicator provides updates on localized inflation rates for Greater Philadelphia after the release of latest October 2022 Consumer Price...
For years, hospitals and universities have been regarded as key players in regional economies. While corporate headquarters and manufacturing...
This Leading Indicator looks at the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on private wage, employment, and establishment growth using recent estimates from...
This Leading Indicator looks at how remote work in Philadelphia has changed before and after the COVID-19 pandemic. We use the latest estimates from...
This Leading Indicator provides an update on localized inflation rates for Greater Philadelphia after the release of latest August 2022 Consumer Price...

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