Our Impact
Whether helping to devise a modern City Charter, leading tax reform, guiding workforce development strategy, fostering inclusive growth, or helping public & nonprofit entities achieve their objectives, the Economy League of Greater Philadelphia has been a trusted advisor to civic leaders since its founding in 1909.

Economy League Impact Through The Decades
The formation of the modern 1952 City Charter draws heavily on Economy League research.
An Economy League study recommends connecting the Pennsylvania and Reading rail tunnels to create an integrated commuter rail system – what we now know as SEPTA.
Economy League research on Philadelphia’s hemorrhaging population recommends that the city become more welcoming to immigrants, sparking the creation of the Welcoming Center for New Pennsylvanians.
Economy League research on the paradox of Philadelphia’s huge number of college students and our low rates of college attainment among Philadelphia residents leads to the formation of the nationally renowned talent retention organization Campus Philly.
Related research on the significant numbers of adults who started college but never attained degrees leads to the formation of the Graduate! Network.
The Economy League’s inaugural Greater Philadelphia Leadership Exchange (GPLEX) conference in Chicago in 2005 spurs the creation of the Metropolitan Caucus by the Nutter Administration in 2009
Economy League research drives the Pre-K for PA campaign, leading to a dramatic expansion of early childhood education in the Commonwealth and in Philadelphia.
Economy League research helps mobilize the King of Prussia rail coalition, urging greater transit connectivity between Philadelphia and burgeoning suburban employment nodes.
The Economy League provides the foundational analytics for the Kenney Administration’s workforce strategy, Fueling Philadelphia’s Talent Engine.
The Economy League research drives the strategy for the Temple Lenfest North Philadelphia Workforce Initiative, which aims to reconnect tens of thousands of North Philadelphians to the labor market.
Economy League research with Philadelphia Lawyers for Social Equity on the economic benefits of pardons spurs Governor Tom Wolf to accelerate the granting of pardons, leveling the employment playing field for hundreds of ‘justice-involved’ Pennsylvanians locked out of the labor market in a near full-employment economy.
The Economy League’s Philadelphia Anchors for Growth & Equity (PAGE) initiative helps unlock more than $37 million in new contract opportunities for local diverse firms in 2022.

Since 1909 the Economy League has been our region’s trusted advisor, producing actionable, independent, nonideological intelligence to guide regional decision-making. From tax reform to workforce development strategy to infrastructure planning, the ELGP has been front and center in shaping policy for nearly 12 decades.

Since 2005 the Economy League’s Greater Philadelphia Leadership Exchange (GPLEX) has brought together more than 1,500 emerging and established leaders from the private, nonprofit, and public sectors to learn, network, and build civic muscle.

The Economy League’s Philadelphia Anchors For Growth and Equity (PAGE) initiative leverages institutional supply chains to create growth opportunities for local, diverse firms. In 2022 PAGE helped unlock over $37 million in new contract opportunities.

Though Philadelphia has a long history of scientific and political innovation, it has often lagged in civic innovation. ELGP’s Impact Labs platform identifies, incubates, and accelerates promising ideas from everyday innovators who seek to tackle our region’s toughest challenges.
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