About Us
The Economy League is a ‘network of networks,’ comprised of civic-minded organizations and individuals all committed to our core mission, fostering equitable and inclusive growth and shared prosperity.

The Economy League of Greater Philadelphia (ELGP) is our region’s independent ‘think-and-do tank
Founded in 1909 by forward-thinking business leaders united by the belief that business has a civic responsibility beyond profit-making, and that it is the citizen’s business to ensure that local government and the local economy work for all.
Occupying a unique space in the civic ecosystem, at the nexus of the private, public, and nonprofit sectors, the Economy League is a trusted cross-sector convener squarely pointed at driving collaborative solutions to complex civic challenges.
Our mission is to address critical issues facing Greater Philadelphia by providing impactful research, connecting diverse leaders, and advancing shared solutions.
Our Core Initiatives
See the initiatives we have invested in serving our mission.
Support Our Work
There are many ways to invest in our network and, in turn, invest in the inclusive growth of our region’s economy. Make a gift, become a board member or partner, or sponsor an event. All contributions make an impact.
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