Town Hall: Pardons as an Economic Strategy

Virtual Town Hall
On May 8th, 2020, The Economy League of Greater Philadelphia hosted a virtual town hall to discuss a decade of data proving pardons as an economic strategy. The Economy League staff was joined by a panel of experts, including Lieutenant Governor John Fetterman, Earl Buford of Partner4Work, Ryan Hancock of Philadelphia Lawyers for Social Equity, and Dr. Nikia Owens of United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey. All the panelists offered unique insight into the issue, leading to a robust and engaging discussion. Watch a recording of the town hall and view the presentation PowerPoint slides below.
John Fetterman; Lieutenant Governor, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Earl Buford; CEO, Partner4Work
Ryan Allen Hancock; Of Counsel, Willig, Williams & Davidson; and Co-Founder, Philadelphia Lawyers for Social Equity
Dr. Keith Leaphart; Chair of the Board of Directors, The Lenfest Foundation
Dr. Nikia Owens; Managing Director of Financial Empowerment, United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey
Ellen Spolar; Pardons as an Economic Investment Strategy, Primary Author
Mohona Siddique; Pardons as an Economic Investment Strategy, Co-Author
See the PowerPoint presentation from the virtual town hall here.