Public money

April 5, 2010

Editorial, Philadelphia Daily News


LAST WEEK, the city finally put a detailed version of Mayor Nutter's proposed budget online. The plan - at - has more than 1,000 pages of information about how the city spends your tax dollars. That amount of data can be overwhelming, especially for people unfamiliar with city government. So what's a concerned citizen to do? A number organizations can help. The Pennsylvania Intergovernmental Cooperation Authority puts out an excellent citizens guide. Also, the Committee of Seventy and the Economy League have prepared fact sheets about the major issues. (You can also check for ongoing coverage.)


Education should lead to action. Right now, City Council plans to hold more than half a dozen hearings where the public can testify. This is an opportunity to have your voice heard by the people who play a key role in the process. To find out the dates and get on the list, call the Clerk of City Council at 215-686-3412.


If you don't get involved, don't complain when taxes increase or services are reduced. It may seem like a lot of work, but it's a small price to pay to keep government honest.