The PAGE team was grateful to attend The Total Impact Summit 2022 this past week, hosted by our partner organization, ImpactPHL. PAGE Director, Kenyatta James hosted a panel on DAY 1, “Community Regeneration: Learn How Money is Moving in New Ways for Equity”, where we heard from leaders who are pioneering new models of investment in women, Black communities, indigenous communities, and communities of color. Meanwhile, PAGE Data Analyst Melina Harris, conducted interviews with conference attendees on behalf of ImpactPHL.
In one interview, Imperative21 CEO and B-Lab Co-founder, Jay Coen Gilbert summed up the goal of impact investment when he said, “we need to overhaul the system and transition away from shareholder primacy to stakeholder capitalism”. and Della Clark, President at The Enterprise Center, spoke eloquently about the need to direct capital resources towards founders and funds who have historically been disenfranchised by the system.
“We need to change the lens of how capital allocations are made so that we can encourage capital to flow to less familiar, but still incredibly impactful places.”
The conference offered a powerful array of useful tools, information, and actionable invitations to equip investors and leaders across the country with a path towards investing in a more equitable and inclusive future.