2009 Greater Philadelphia Leadership Exchange

May 15, 2009

Greater Philadelphia, Global Connections & the Region’s Future


At the 2009 Leadership Exchange on September 10, 150 executives in business, nonprofit, and government organizations discussed the future of our region and the global trends and forces that will influence and shape it.


The program started with a grounding in perceptions and rankings of the region that were determined through original research, followed by a session with practitioners talking about their concepts of the future of how we’ll live, work, and play; a lunch presentation on the future of global cities; and an interactive afternoon session focused on identifying forces and trends that will influence Greater Philadelphia’s future for the next 10, 20, and 30 years.


Check out the presentations and audio recordings of the day's sessions:


  • World Class Greater Philadelphia? with Steve Wray

  • Facts, Trends, Realities, and Hypotheses: The Future of How We Will Live, Work, and Play with Rick Bluhm, Charles Grantham, and Jeremy Nowak

  • The Future of Global Cities with Saskia Sassen

  • Alternative Futures Planning Interactive Session with Roch Parayre


Read the Economy League's Insight magazine about what was discussed and the takeaways.